Creative soul. Coffee lover. Plant enthusiast. Wellness advocate. Cozy homebody.

Hi! So nice to meet you.

I’m Laura Leigh—welcome to this little corner of the internet. Simple & healthy & cozy living is my jam, as well as sharing how Jesus is changing me from the inside out as I grow to love & know Him more.

Make your favorite beverage and take a look around; I’m so glad you are here.

Get to know me! (the SparkNotes version)

+ First & foremost, as a Christ follower, I am passionate about sharing the gospel and the undeserved grace I’ve been extended. “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Galatians 2:20 | To God be all the glory.

+ In 2018, I graduated from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania with a degree in both graphic and web design.

+ Currently, I work on the creative team at my local church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (& really love it!)

+ At any given time or place, I can be seen with a hot drink in my hand—it’s probably coffee.

+ My go-to refresher on a hot summer’s day is iced water with a splash of lemon & lime—nothing better. (Except maybe a banana-mango smoothie because those are honestly really good.)

+ A few favorites: muted colors, movie nights, corn chowder, trail mix, early bedtimes, and earlier mornings.

+ I live & breathe in cotton t-shirts, sometimes a beanie, and always a knit cardigan.

+ I absolutely will start wearing sandals in early spring and either under or over-dress throughout all the seasons.

+ Being cozy is important to me. Cue all the candles and string lights and blankets.

+ Sometimes I dream of being an interior designer. Or a florist. Or a nature photographer. Or a professional musician. I’m a dreamer at heart.

+ On that note, I do have a few hobbies that don’t make it into my day-to-day life very much, which include playing tennis, throwing on the pottery wheel, and playing my viola.