The Thing About Trust
It’s truly a daily pursuit of learning what it looks like to know the sweetness of trusting in Jesus—wholehearted surrender and trust in Him. Some days though, it honestly doesn’t feel so sweet. It can feel really lonely and disappointing and confusing and just hopeless. And it’s right there, in those moments where God’s grace rushes in, reminding me of all that He has done—literally dying a death I deserved, in my place—so that I (we) might absolutely know and feel the radical love He has for His children.
Even on the most lonely, hard days, light pierces through the darkness. As I daily surrender my plans/hopes/thoughts and submit to Him, the heart of Jesus becomes so real and I’m reminded that I am never actually alone if I am in Christ. I don’t have to keep dwelling on my misplaced hopes or still-distant dreams of what I thought life would look like by now. He knows better. & I can trust that.
God is still working.
God is still here; He always has been.
He is relentless in the pursuit of us, arms open for embrace, inviting us into a higher calling—a kingdom calling. He invites us to join Him in something so. much. bigger. than just our 80-some years of life on this earth; He invites us to be a part of His overarching, amazing love-story mission to redeem and restore humanity. How incredible is it that God chooses to use us—wayward, broken sinners—to be a part of something like that?! What a gift.
So I ask myself: is it truly sweet to trust in Jesus? Even though I don’t know what tomorrow or next week or month or year will hold? Yes, yes it absolutely is.
“‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus”
↑ A reminder for today, and for every day.