What Really Matters
I don’t have a lot of words to say these days. Sometimes, I’m overflowing with thoughts and I can’t stop writing. Other times, there’s just not much to say. To be honest, I’ve been doing a loooot of internal processing, of many things, but mainly my days and weeks and how I’m currently spending the time I’ve been given on this earth.
& so far, I’ve concluded that without intention and purpose, our days will most definitely drift by through mindless scrolling on socials & ‘being busy’ & filling our schedules full to the brim. I’ve realized that right now—especially as a single—I have an abundance of two things: time and freedom; two things that will most likely dwindle as the years go on.
Social media has been wonderful in many ways, but also, it’s been (for me) a really big time-sucker, a distraction, a breeding ground for comparison & envy and if I’m not careful, my mental and emotional health really start to suffer. But because social media is literally part of my job, I can’t (and probably don’t want to) delete it completely. But I do think setting boundaries and limitations are steps in the right direction.
I’m still figuring it all out, still learning (a lot!), still not really sure what I’m doing most days. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BUT, I do know I want to be wise with my time and prioritize the things that will last. We never know how many days we have left, so let’s remember there’s a wonderful life to be lived outside of a computer screen and phone application. There are people to love and things to create and beauty to behold and stories to be shared. Let’s not forget to make the most of what really matters.